Health News

Nursing: The school nurse serves to provide expertise and oversight for the provision of school health services and promotion of health education. The nurse is available to students and staff for health assessments, health counseling, medications, trainings and first aid. In addition, the nurse provides state mandated health screenings and coordinates referrals. The nurse actively advocates for student health services and a healthy school environment and provides CPR/ AED/ First Aid training to staff members.

Screening: Health screenings are done to Ohio Department of Health guidelines. Health screenings could include vision, hearing, height, weight, and scoliosis. If a student doesn't pass a screening assessment a referral will be sent home. Parents will be responsible for follow up with the appropriate health care profession and notify the nurse with results. It is the parent’s responsibility to notify the school if they want their child exempt from screenings. Vision and hearing screenings will be conducted according to the Ohio Department of Health rules and regulations. Students screened routinely include preschool, kindergarten, grade 1,3,5,7 (vision only), 9 and 11th. In addition, students new to the district and students referred by teacher concern. You will receive a confidential referral letter if your child was unable to pass the vision or hearing test.

Medication: Medications can be administered by the nurse or designated personnel when school board policy is followed. Medications must be in their original container and must be brought in by an adult and never sent on the bus or with a student. If a prescription drug needs administered during school hours, a form needs to be signed by both parent and the prescriber (Prescription Medication Form). Over-the-counter medications just require a form filled out by a parent (Non-Prescription Medication Form).

Illness: School board policy dictates all student with signs or symptoms of diseases suspected as being communicable are given immediate attention and sent home. Please keep students home if they have a fever, a wound in which drainage cannot be contained by a bandage, head lice, or infectious vomiting/diarrhea. Students should be fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medicine before returning to school. The Ohio Department of Health has listed common diseases and more information can be found at 

Immunizations: In order to safeguard the school community from the spread of certain communicable illnesses the Avon Lake City School District BOE requires students to have proof of immunizations against Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Polio, MMR, Hepatitis B and Chicken Pox as required by Ohio law. Immunization requirements and waiver forms can be found below.

Illness Information:

Bed Bugs
Bacterial Meningitis
Chicken Pox Information
Cold vs Flu
Diabetes Management Plan
Diabetes Supplies Needed for School
Fifth Disease
Hand, Foot and Mouth Parent Information
Head Lice Information
Impetigo Information
Mononucleosis Information
MRSA information
Pertussis - Whooping Cough Information
Pink Eye Information
Pinworm Information
Scabies Information
Strep Information
Viral Meningitis
When to Keep Your Child Home from School Guidelines

School Medical Forms:

2024-2025 Immunization Requirements K-12
ALCS Immunization Waiver Form
Diabetes Management Plan
Diabetes Supplies Needed for School
Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Care Plan
Kindergarten Physical Form
Medication Drop Off
Non-prescription Medication Instruction & Form
Prescription Medication Form
Seizure Plan

LEAPS Medical Forms:

Immunization for Child Care, Head Start and Preschool
LEAPS Dental Form
LEAPS Medication Form
LEAPS Physical Form

Nurses: If you need to contact a nurse at your child’s school, please use the numbers below.
Eastview Elementary School: 440-933-6283 ext. 3209
Erieview Elementary School: 440-933-6282 ext. 4203
Redwood Elementary School: 440-933-5145 ext. 6102
Westview Elementary School: 440-933-8131 ext. 5107
Troy Intermediate School: 440-933-2701 ext. 7004
Learwood Middle School: 440-933-8142 ext. 2901
Avon Lake High School: 440-933-6290 ext. 1572