Welcome to Nutrition Services
July 2024
Dear Parent/Guardian,
We understand that your child’s nutrition and well-being are important to you and we are committed to nutrition excellence and education in our school cafeterias. As we continue to make progressive and healthy changes in our school’s cafeterias; we thank you for your support.
Our goal is to serve fresh and nutritious food in a safe and pleasant environment while educating students, parents and staff about nutrition and healthy choices. This school year we will continue to follow nutritional guidelines set forth in the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010.
Along with offering a healthy school lunch daily, our schools also offer smart snacks. You and your children can be confident that the food choices available at our schools are those that boost energy and provide nutrients their growing bodies need. We are committed to making our schools a place that supports healthy eating.
Our school food service team is devoted to making lunchtime an enjoyable experience for all students. We consider the lunchroom an extension of the classroom; where our students have access to great nutrition that will ultimately help them succeed in the classroom as well as nourish their bodies. If you should have any questions about our school lunch program, don’t hesitate to contact me directly at 440-930-8215 or Andrea.Sokolow@alcsoh.org.
Lunch menus and other nutrition resources can be viewed here: Operations - Nutrition Services on the www.avonlakecityschools.org website.
We do offer a grab ‘n go breakfast program at Learwood Middle School and Avon Lake High School.
PLEASE NOTE: If your child has an allergy to a food item and is documented by a doctor, please complete the required documentation from your school nurse. We will make a notation of the allergy in our computer system so that your child will be identified as having an allergy to certain foods in the lunch line. If you have any questions please call Andrea Sokolow or email at andrea.sokolow@alcsoh.org
Andrea Sokolow
Food Service Supervisor