Autism Scholarship Program (ASP) and Jon Peterson Special Needs Scholarship Program (JPSN)
Each time a child’s school district completes an evaluation for a child with a disability or undertakes the development, review, or revision of the child’s individualized education program (IEP), the district is required to notify the child’s parents, by letter or electronic means, about both the Autism Scholarship Program (ASP), under section 3310.41 of the Ohio Revised Code, and the Jon Peterson Special Needs Scholarship (JPSN) program, under sections 3310.51 - 3310.64 of the Ohio Revised Code.
As a student with an IEP your child may be eligible for a scholarship under the ASP or the JPSN programs. These scholarships would allow your child to attend a special education program that implements the child’s IEP, operated by an alternative public provider or by a registered private provider. If you accept one of these scholarships, it means your child will not be directly educated by Avon Lake City Schools, and s/he will no longer attend school in our buildings. The scholarships are available on a limited basis for parents who choose access to an alternative education, rather than partner with the district of residence, for their child’s education.
Further information can also be found at by typing Autism Scholarship or Jon Peterson Scholarship in the search box. You can also call (877) OHIO EDU (toll free). For additional information or questions on these scholarship programs, contact: Office of Nonpublic Educational Options (614) 466-5743 Toll-free: (877) 644-6338 email:;